MIPRU – Mortgage and Insurance Intermediary Prudential Sourcebook | FCA Handbook Guidance | Business and Prudential Standards
Business/Prudential Standards 1. Prudential Sourcebook (MIPRU) 1.1 Responsibility for Insurance Distribution activity (MIPRU 2.2) A firm, other than a sole trader, must [...]
Approved persons (APER) | FCA regulatory compliance manual | Template for FCA authorised firms
1 What is an approved person? An approved person (AP) is an individual given authorisation by the FCA to carry out a [...]
Complaints Final Response | Template for an FCA Application
Dear __________ I refer to my previous letter dated (DATE) regarding the complaint you made to us on (DATE). Please rest assured [...]
Compliance Monitoring Programme | FCA Application for Authorisation Licence | API – Authorised Payment Institution | EMI – Electronic Money Institution – E-money | SPI – Small Payment Institution | Consumer Credit Full Permissions – Credit Broker and Lender | Investment Management Services
Compliance Monitoring Programme 1 Compliance Management Mr __________, the Managing Director/MLRO of the Company holds primary responsibility for regulatory compliance for all [...]
Initial Response Letter to a Complaint | Template for FCA Applications
Reference: (ENTER REFERENCE) Dear (TITLE), I write to confirm that I am investigating the complaint that you made into our offices on [...]
Complaints Holding Letter | Template for FCA Applications
Dear __________ I refer to my letter (DATED) regarding your complaint. Unfortunately, I am not, as yet, in a position to respond [...]
FCA Compliance Procedures Manual | FCA Application for Authorisation Licence | API – Authorised Payment Institution | EMI – Electronic Money Institution | SPI – Small Payment Institution | Consumer Credit Full Permissions – Credit Broker and Lender | Investment Management Services
1 Executive Summary 1.1 The Payments Services Directive 2 The Payments Services Directive “PSD” came into effect on 1st November 2009 under [...]
Complaints Policy | FCA Application for Authorisation Licence | API – Authorised Payment Institution | EMI – Electronic Money Institution – E-money | SPI – Small Payment Institution | Consumer Credit Full Permissions – Credit Broker and Lender | Investment Management Services
1 Introduction The Financial Conduct Authority defines a complaint as “any expression of dissatisfaction, whether oral or written, and whether justified or [...]
Information Technology (IT) Security Policy | Template for FCA Applications
1. Glossary of terms IT - Information Technologies HIRETT LTD - The Company 2. Introduction This Information Security Policy is the foundation [...]
Risk Management Policy | Template for FCA Applications
1. Risk Management Risk is the potential of gaining or losing something of value. Risk is an event or condition that if [...]
Anti Money Laundering and Financial Crime Policy | Template for FCA Applications
1. Policy Statement EXAMPLE COMPANY LTD and its staff are committed to the highest standards of anti-money laundering (AML), including anti-fraud, anti-corruption [...]
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy | Template for FCA Applications
1. Policy Statement HIRETT LTD and its staff are committed to the highest standards of anti-money laundering (AML), including anti-fraud, anti-corruption and [...]
Compliance Monitoring Programme | Template for FCA Applications
A compliance monitoring programme must describe the actions the holder of the compliance oversight function and their staff will take to ensure [...]
Regulatory Business Plan Template | Strategic Objectives and Risk Management | Location of Offices Effective Supervision | Business Model and Financial Details | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
REGULATORY BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE HEADINGS Business Summary Give a brief overview of your business, including your strategies for any regulated activities, what [...]
Email Usage and Archiving Policy | Acceptable and Prohibited Use | Archiving and Retention | Security and Monitoring | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Policy Statement [Your Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) utilises and makes available corporate email for our employees in [...]
Introducer Agreement Template | Definitions and Appointment | Obligations and Responsibilities | Remuneration and Commission | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
INTRODUCER AGREEMENT FORM This introducer agreement is made on and effective from _____ day of _______________, 20__ and is between the undersigned [...]
Non-Disclosure Agreement NDA Template | Recipients Confidentiality Obligations | Warranties and Termination | General and Execution | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (NDA) This Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is made on and effective from ____ day of __________, 20___ and is between the [...]
Clear Desk Policy | Statement and Purpose | Measures and Controls | Guidelines and Responsibilities | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Policy Statement As a company obligated under the Data Protection laws as well as having legal and contractual responsibilities for information [...]
Bring Your Own Device BYOD Remote Access Policy | Guidelines and Protocols | Off Site Working | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Policy Statement [Your Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) operates a controlled approach to remote access (or teleworking) and [...]
Firewall Policy | Statement and Purpose | In Scope and Not in Scope | Objective and Responsibilities | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Policy Statement [Your Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) utilises host based and boundary firewalls to protect its devices, [...]
Information Security Policy | Security Breach Management | Approved Encryption Algorithms and Protocols | Key Use and Breach Management Approach | Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard PCI DSS | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Policy Statement [Your Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) has an extensive and robust Information Security Program that consists [...]
Asset Management Policy | Unclassified and Short Term Information | Internet and Email Usage | Non Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreements | Handling and Disposal | Managers and Supervisors | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Policy Statement Asset Management is the process of identifying, classifying, managing, recording and coordinating a firm's assets (physical, IT and information) [...]
Access Control and Password Policy | Procedures and Measures | Privileged Accounts and Responsibilities| Credentials and Roles | Leavers and End of Contract | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Policy Statement It is [Your Company Name]’s (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) policy to protect and secure the information and [...]
Anti Virus and Malware Policy | Document Customisation and Referencing Other Policies | Scope and Purpose | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Policy Statement This policy helps [Your Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) to define how it protects the devices, [...]
Call Monitoring Form Template and Staff Audits | Call Monitoring Checklist and Assessment | Competence and Feedback Declaration | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Staff Audits and Monitoring The purpose of a call monitoring audit is to assess and monitor employee performance, adherence to regulations [...]
Anti Money Laundering AML Test Papers and Answer Sheets | Introduction to Financial Crime and Overview | Assessment Quiz and Answers | Using the Assessment and Marking Sheet | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Introduction to Financial Crime Financial crime, as defined by the FCA, HMRC and FSMA is any kind of criminal conduct relating [...]
Supplier Due Diligence Questionnaire | Company Details and Structure | Compliance and Quality Assurance | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
[Your Company Name] Due Diligence Questionnaire 1 Company Details Company Name: [...]
Suspicious Activity Report SAR Template | Guidance and Referencing Other Policies | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) Template – Internal Reported to: ________________________________ Reported by: ________________________________ Position: _____________________ Date: _____________________ URGENT: [...]
Arrears and Default Test Papers and Answer Sheets | Overview and Assessment Quiz | Evaluation and Marking Sheets | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Test Paper Overview Testing, assessing and training employees in the regulatory compliance rules and standards is an essential business practice to [...]
Meeting Minutes Template | Meeting Details and Attendees | Agenda Items and Action List | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Meeting Minutes 1.1 Meeting Details Facilitator: Minute Taker: Date: Time: Location: 1.2 Invitees/Attendees Attend Y/N Attendee Name [...]
Income and Expenditure Form Template | Payments and Income | Expenditure and Debts | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
NAME: DATE: PAYMENTS ARE [*WEEKLY/MONTHLY] ACCOUNT NO: INCOME (Where income is variable, enter average over last 3 months) AMOUNT £ Your Salary/Wages [...]
Money Laundering Reporting Officer MLRO Report Template | Systems and Controls | Breaches and Reports | Training and Assessments | Due Diligence and High Risk Clients | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 MLRO Annual Report The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have specific regulatory rules and requirements set out in the ‘Senior Management Arrangements, [...]
Individual Due Diligence Questionnaire | Verification Evidence and Employment Details | Beneficial Owners and Background Searches and Checks | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
[Your Company Name] Due Diligence Questionnaire 1 Personal Details Title: _______________ [...]
Distance Marketing Checklist | Description and General Requirements | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
Document/Content: Auditor: Description: Date: Authorised by: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS YES NO N/A In telephone communications, all agents make their identity and purpose known? [...]
Financial Promotions and Communication Checklist Template | Audit and Action Plan | Pre Contract Disclosure and Staff Advice | Distance Marketing and Business Processes and Compliance | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Marketing, Financial Promotions & Contracts Firms who are regulated by the FCA must implement controls, measures and procedures for adhering to [...]
Employee Due Diligence Questionnaire | Personal Details and Verification Evidence | Previous or Current Employment and Background Searches and Checks | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
[Your Company Name] Due Diligence Questionnaire 1 Personal Details Title: _______________ [...]
Conflict of Interest Register Template | Non-Financial Professional and Personal | Actions and Autorised | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Conflicts of Interest A conflict of interest can occur where an individual or company have/could have, their motivations influenced or corrupted [...]
Compliance Monitoring Assessment Form Template | Variations From Procedural Document or Regulations and Cause | Procedure Document Used and Auditing Method | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
Auditors Name: Form Ref: # Date: Activity/Employee Being Audited: Variations from Procedural Document or Regulations: [...]
Compliance Breach Incident Form Template | Compliance Officer Details and Investigation Information and Outcome Actions | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
Change Request Form Template | Change Initiator Details and Risk and Impact to Business | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
Complaint Handling Form Template | Complainant and Complaint Details | Root Cause Analysis and Measures to Prevent Repeat Occurrences | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
Complaint Handling Letter Suite Templates | Informal Acknowledgment and Summary | 4 and 8 Week Letter | Final Response Complaint Upheld and Rejected | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Complaint Handling Letter Suite The templates below accompany our Complaint Handling documents and are basic letter templates for areas such as [...]
Business Due Diligence Questionnaire | Company Details and Structure | Financial Information and Verification Evidence | Background Searches and Register Discrepancy Check | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
[YOUR COMPANY NAME] DUE DILIGENCE QUESTIONNAIRE 1 Company Details Company Name: ____________________ Company [...]
Client Assets CASS 11 Manual | Debt Management Firms and Classification | Operational Oversight Function and Senior Managers and Certification Regime SMCR | Governance and Resolution Pack CASS RP | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 CASS Debt Management Firms [The requirements imposed on a CASS debt management firm that holds client money vary depending on whether [...]
Whistleblowing Complaint Form Template | Incident and Complainant Details | Investigation Information and Outcome | Details of Actions Taken | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
Business Continuity Plan BCP | Internal and External Communications | Change Management and Testing | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this Business Continuity Plan (BCP) document is to ensure [Your Company] Payments is able to [...]
Secure Disposal Policy | Guidelines and Procedures | Electronic and IT Records and Systems | Disposing of Removable Media Devices | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Policy Statement [Your Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) confirms that we are committed to the secure and safe [...]
Suspicious Transaction or Order Report STOR Template | Identity of Firm and Order Details | Description of the Nature of the Suspicion | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
Risk Mitigating Action Plan Template| Referencing Other Policies | Result and Outcome | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 About the Mitigating Action Plan When risks are identified and assessed as being acceptable to the functioning of the business and [...]
Vulnerable Customers Test Papers and Answer Sheets | Assessment and Quiz Answers | Categories and Definitions | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Test Paper Overview Testing, assessing and training employees in the regulatory compliance rules and standards is an essential business practice to [...]
Training Feedback Form Template | Document Customisation and Guidance | Session and Evaluations | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Training Feedback Form Training is delivered with the intention of providing you (the trainee) with the knowledge and tools to do [...]
Training and Development Plan Template | Learning and Development Need | Topic and Timescales | Leadership and Management Skills | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
Date: Learning and development need: Topic: After completion of learning and training assessment with organisation staff, which area does the identified training [...]
Sample Interview Questions and Scoring Template | Personal and Rapport Building | Guide and Evaluation of Applicant | Enthusiasm and Qualifications | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Interview Questions & Scoring Template [Edit to suit your business type and position needs] Candidate Name: Date of Interview: Interview [...]
Training and Development Policy and Statement | Induction and Approach to Training | Guidelines and Procedures | Assessment and Records | Evaluation and Equal Opportunities | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Policy Statement [Your Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) understands that the training and continuous professional development of its [...]
Treating Customers Fairly TCF Test Papers and Answer Sheets | Overview and Assessment Quiz | Marking Sheet | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Test Paper Overview Testing, assessing and training employees in the regulatory compliance rules and standards is an essential business practice to [...]
Job Description Template | Job Description and Purpose of the Position | Scope and Responsibilities | Regulatory Requirements and Knowledge | Skills and Personal Attributes | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Job Description Every member of staff at the company, has a job description which is provided to them when they start [...]
Induction Checklist Template | Health and Safety | Conditions of Employement and Security | Compliance and Policies | System and Training | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Induction Checklist Employee Name: Dept: Inductor: Date: WORKPLACE INTRODUCTION DATE COMPLETED ADDITIONAL NOTES Building & Workplace Tour Staff [...]
Financial Conduct Authority FCA Test Papers | Assessment Quiz and Answers | Marking Sheets and Handbook | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Test Paper Overview Testing, assessing and training employees in the regulatory compliance rules and standards is an essential business practice to [...]
Employee Monitoring Form Template | Information and Advice | Affordability and Suitability | Record Keeping and Monitoring Review | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1.1 Staff Monitoring Form EMPLOYEE NAME: DATE: AUDITOR NAME: AUDIT TYPE: (e.g. account, call, email etc.) INTRODUCTION YES NO N/A NOTES [...]
Complaint Handling Test Papers and Answer Sheets | Using the Assessment and Financial Ombudsman Service FOS | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Test Paper Overview Testing, assessing and training employees in the regulatory compliance rules and standards is an essential business practice to [...]
Employee Training Record Template and Document Customisation | Key Objectives and Provider | Graphs and Layouts | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 Employee Training Record Employee Name: Employee Number: Training Provided Key Objectives Date Trained Provided by e.g. Excel & Word Manipulate [...]
Vulnerable Clients Policy | Aims and Use | Relevant Guidance and Legislation | Supporting Policies and Procedures | Claims Management | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
Vulnerable Clients Policy Date Approved and Published: 07/07/2020 Available on: SharePoint/Induction Pack 1. Introduction 1.1 Some Clients we come into contact [...]
Sample Business Plan for an Authorisation as an Electronic Money Institution (e-money, Small EMI), Authorised Payment Institution API, Small Payment Institution SPI | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Hirett Digital Payments Ltd (“Hirett Digital Payments Ltd” as service) is a web-based payment services that allow buyer and sellers [...]
FCA’s Expectations from Applicant Firms | Applying for FCA Authorisations
The FCA expects applicant firms to actively participate in the application process. No consultant or advisor can completely substitute for that. We [...]
Business Plan | E-money Electronic Money Institution EMI | Authorised Payment Institution API | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1.0 Executive Summary ABC MONEY Ltd is a startup company providing cross-border payment and e-money solutions to individual and other businesses. The [...]
Business Plan | Market and Competition | Subscription Service and Advice Pages | Opportunity and Target Market | Pricing and Costing | Locations and Facilities | Claims Management | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
Executive Summary Robert Blakee predicted in his book "Tomorrow's Lawyers "[2013], that the legal world would change more radically over the next [...]
Complaints Policy | Outcome and Cost | Claims Management | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
1 We are committed to providing a high-quality service to our clients. 2 We acknowledge that we may not always get it [...]
Company ER Client Care Letter | Fees and Responsibilities | Distance Selling Regulations | Claims Management | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
By Email Only: Dear [CLIENT], We are a private limited company registered in England & Wales with company number 00000000. Our registered [...]
Service Contract and Representation Agreement | Scope of Services and Costs Expenses and Other Expenditures | Governing Law and Jurisdiction | Claims Management | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
Committed to Treating our Customers Fairly TCF | Claims Management | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
Committed to Treating our Customers Fairly At ABC Limited, we are committed to offering our customers the highest possible standards of service. [...]
Social Media Policy and General Social Media Guidelines | Inappropriate Content and Uses | Security and Data Protection | Copyright and Potential Sanctions | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
INTRODUCTION Employees of Hirett may be able to access social media services and social networking websites at work, either through company IT [...]
Sensitive Payment Data Policy and Information Categories | Classification and Access | User Authentication and Control | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
INTRODUCTION Hirett (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) take great care of data it holds for its customers. All data stored and [...]
Internet Use Policy and Copyright | Authorised Users and Security | Monitoring Internet and Inappropriate Content | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
INTRODUCTION Hirett makes internet access available to its employees where relevant and useful for their jobs. This internet use policy describes the [...]
Firewall Policy and Introduction | Policy Scope and Key Areas | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firmsa
INTRODUCTION Hirett (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) utilises host based and boundary firewalls to protect its devices, networks, property, staff and [...]
Email Use Policy and General Email Guidelines | Authorised Users and Key Areas | Copyright and Disclaimer | Contracts and Liability | Archiving and Retention | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
INTRODUCTION Hirett makes email available to its employees where relevant and useful for their jobs. This email use policy describes the rules [...]
Data Protection Policy and General Staff Guidelines | People Risks and Responsibilities | Use and Storage | Accuracy and Subject Access Requests | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
INTRODUCTION Hirett needs to gather and use certain information about individuals. These can include customers, suppliers, business contacts, employees and other people [...]
Business Continuity Arrangements Policy | Disaster Recovery Plan and Distribution List | Updates and Annual Review | Actions and Expenses Log | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
INTRODUCTION Hirett (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) business continuity plan will be distributed to the relevant staff members of the business [...]
Anti Virus and Malware Policy | Introduction and Policy Scope | Key Areas and Responsibilities | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
INTRODUCTION This policy helps Hirett (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) to define how it protects the devices, people and information under [...]
Business Plan Template and Example for FCA Applications for Authorisation | Electronic Money Institution (E-money, EMI) | Authorised Payment Institution (API) | Small Electronic Money Institution (E-money, SEMI) | Small Payment Institution (SPI) | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
EMI Application Form; Section: 4 and 5 1.0 Executive Summary Currently HIRETT is functioning in the Money Services Business sector as an [...]
Anti-Money Laundering AML and Counter Terrorist Financing Policy | Procedure Manual | Sanctions and Legislations | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
Preamble 1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 Hirett Ltd is a Money Transfer / Money Exchange business. It is important to Hirett Ltd [...]
Anti-Money Laundering AML Policy Handbook | Schemes and Procedures | Legislation and Risk Based Approach | Monitoring and Auditing Due Diligence | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
The Handbook Statement In a fast-paced society, full of technological advancements there is a greater need to be taking adequate control measures [...]
Promotion and Communication Statements | Restricted High Net Worth Investor | Certified Sophisticated | Template for FCA Applications and Authorised Firms
Restricted High Net Worth Investor Statement “I make this statement so that I can receive promotional communications which are exempt from the [...]
Whistle blowing procedure | Template for FCA authorised firms
XYZ Firm whistle blowing procedure We aim to develop a culture of openness. Consequently, it is fundamental that any concerns which you may [...]
REP018 | Assessment of the adequacy of the mitigation measures and control mechanisms implemented in response to those risks | Template for FCA authorised firms
FRN: __________ Firm Name: Hirett Ltd Date: 20 June 2020 Assessment of the adequacy of the mitigation measures and control mechanisms implemented [...]
REP018 | Assessment of the operational and security risks related to the payment services the firm provides | Template for FCA authorised firms
FRN: __________ Firm Name: Hirett Ltd Date: 20 June 2020 Assessment of the operational and security risks related to the payment services [...]
Guidance on completing REP018 | Operational and Security Risk Form | Payment Services Regulations | Payment Institutions
These notes contain guidance for payment service providers that are required to complete the operational and security risk form in accordance with [...]
Customer Data and Security Policy | FCA Application for Authorisation Licence | API – Authorised Payment Institution | EMI – Electronic Money Institution | SPI – Small Payment Institution | Consumer Credit Full Permissions – Credit Broker and Lender | Investment Management Services
1 Introduction: what is customer data Customer data is any identifiable personal information about a customer held in any format, such as [...]
Acceptable ID | FCA Application for Authorisation Licence | API – Authorised Payment Institution | EMI – Electronic Money Institution | SPI – Small Payment Institution | Consumer Credit Full Permissions – Credit Broker and Lender | Investment Management Services
Table 1 ID documents Current signed passport / EEA State ID Card EU National: Resident permit Current UK / EEA photo card [...]
ID and Payment Matrix | FCA Application for Authorisation Licence | API – Authorised Payment Institution | EMI – Electronic Money Institution | SPI – Small Payment Institution | Consumer Credit Full Permissions – Credit Broker and Lender | Investment Management Services
Remittance Sum ID Requirement Time Duration Grounds £ any Mandatory for all clients to register with Hirett Ltd before they can use [...]
Business Process | FCA Application for Authorisation Licence | API – Authorised Payment Institution | EMI – Electronic Money Institution – E-money | SPI – Small Payment Institution | Consumer Credit Full Permissions – Credit Broker and Lender | Investment Management Services
Any client or potential client must be informed at the outset that a member of staff is employed by Hirett Ltd and [...]
Anti Money Laundering Policy – AML | FCA Application for Authorisation Licence | API – Authorised Payment Institution | EMI – Electronic Money Institution – E-money | SPI – Small Payment Institution | Consumer Credit Full Permissions – Credit Broker and Lender | Investment Management Services
Anti-Money Laundering Guide One of the primary objectives of the FCA under the Financial Services and Markets Act is the reduction of [...]
The principles and definitions applicable to the collection of statistical data on performance, transactions and fraud | Template for FCA Applications
We will collect and store the following data electronically for the purposes of knowing who uses and how they use our systems [...]
Business continuity arrangements | Template for FCA Applications
All our furniture, fixtures and equipment is off-the-shelf and can be replaced within 1-3 days. All our software and data is backed [...]
Procedure for monitoring, handling and following up on security incidents and security-related customer complaints | Template for FCA Applications
We use a software system that has robust built-in mechanisms for the prevention of fraud and unauthorised access comparable to what many [...]
Measures to safeguard the funds of users | Electronic Money Institution (EMI) | Template for FCA Applications
Users' relevant funds will be segregated immediately upon receipt and until funds are paid out to the payee or the payee’s PSP. [...]
Measures to safeguard the funds of users | Authorised Payment Institution (API) | Template for FCA Applications
Users' relevant funds will be segregated immediately upon receipt and until funds are paid out to the payee or the payee’s PSP. [...]
Management Information Policy | Template for FCA Applications
1 SCOPE The policy relates to all HIRETT LTD staff (meaning permanent, fixed term, and temporary staff, any third-party representatives or sub-contractors, [...]
Complaints Procedure | Template for FCA Applications
1.1 Introduction The FCA defines a complaint as "any expression of dissatisfaction, whether oral or written, and whether justified or not"; a [...]
Business plan to be submitted with an application | Electronic Money Institution (EMI, e-money) | Payment Services Regulations 2017 (PSD2)
The business plan provided by the applicant for authorisation as electronic money institutions as described in Directive (EU) 2015/2366 (PSD2) should contain: a) [...]
Business plan to be submitted with an application | Authorised Payment Institution (API) | Payment Services Regulations 2017 (PSD2)
The business plan to be provided by the applicant for authorisation as payment institutions for the provision of services 1-8 of Annex [...]
Types of Payment Services | Annex I to PSD2 | Payment Services Regulations 2017 (PSD2)
1. Services enabling cash to be placed on a payment account as well as all the operations required for operating a payment [...]
The programme of operations | Electronic Money Institution (e-money, EMI) | Payment Services Regulations 2017 (PSD2)
The programme of operations to be provided by the applicant as an Electronic Money Institution (e-money, EMI) should contain the following information: [...]
The programme of operations | Authorised Payment Institution (API) | Payment Services Regulations 2017 (PSD2)
The programme of operations to be provided by the applicant as an Authorised Payment Institution (API) should contain the following information: a) [...]
Conditions for authorisation as an Authorised Payment Institution (API) or Electronic Money Institution (e-money, EMI) | Payment Services Regulations 2017 (PSD2) | Regulation 6 of the PSRs
(1) The FCA may refuse to grant all or part of an application for authorisation as a payment institution only if any [...]
Information to be included in or with an application for authorisation | Authorised Payment Institution (API) or Electronic Money Institution (e-money, EMI) | Payment Services Regulations 2017 (PSD2)
1. A programme of operations (API, EMI) setting out, in particular, the type of payment or e-money services envisaged. 2. A business [...]
Information Security | FCA Handbook | Template for FCA applications
Customer data is a high value commodity for fraudsters and firms have a responsibility for securing it. What is customer data? Customer [...]
Regulatory Business Plan | Template for FCA Applications
Regulatory Business Plan ABC Example Co Ltd ABC Example Co Ltd is an online lead generator. We operate primarily through our website [...]
Applying for FCA authorisation
To undertake general insurance distribution, consumer credit, payments or other regulated activities a firm will need to apply for and be granted [...]
REP018 assessment of risks | Template for FCA authorised firms
Latest assessment of the adequacy of the mitigation measures and control mechanisms implemented in response to operational and security risks. The methodology [...]
REP018 assessment | Template for FCA authorised firms
Results of the latest assessment of the operational and security risks related to the payment services the firm provides. We accept cash [...]
Security Policy | Template for FCA authorised firms
Security Policy Description of IT systems in use We use a bespoke IT system, features of which have been outlined above in [...]
Process for Data Access | Template for FCA authorised firms
Process in place to file, monitor, track and restrict access to sensitive payment data As an SPI/API, we only accept cash payments [...]
Procedure to handle a security incident | Template for FCA authorised firms
Procedure to monitor, handle and follow up on a security incident and customer complaints Any actual or suspected incident must be immediately [...]
Complaints Policy | Template for FCA authorised firms
Complaints Policy Introduction Hirett Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) in the United Kingdom. We are required [...]