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1 Training Feedback Form

Training is delivered with the intention of providing you (the trainee) with the knowledge and tools to do your job effectively and to remain compliant with the necessary rules and regulations. By completing a training session and signing a training record, you are agreeing that the training received was adequate, suitable and met your needs and learning styles.

This form gives you the opportunity to provide feedback on the training delivery, format and content in a safe and anonymous way. It is important that your feedback is constructive and accurate so that changes and improvements to training styles, delivery and content can be made where necessary.

Please complete the form based on the training specified below and hand this sheet back to [insert name of person].

[Insert training session to be evaluated]

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The training met my expectations
The trainer was knowledgeable about the subject
The trainer was easy to understand
The facilities were adequate and comfortable
The training was useful for my job role
I learned new information from the training
I now have a better understanding of the subject
There was adequate & relevant material distributed
The content was organised and easy to follow
I would recommend this training to a colleague
I would like to see similar subjects in the future
I would like to attend similar formats in the future
The training met my regulatory requirements
I found the training useful
What did you enjoy most about the training?



What was your least favourite part of the training and why?



What else would you like to have seen included in the training?



What aspects of the training could be improved?



How will you apply this training to your job role?



Any other comments or feedback?